Patrick & Amy

Owner Testimonial:

*We received a note being passed around the neighborhood written by a longtime Habersham resident getting ready to move her family to a new town. It was bittersweet to receive such a heartfelt testimony about the enduring qualities of our town that go beyond just beautiful homes. As sad as we are to see a family move from Habersham, we’re very proud to know what we have built here is much more than just a town. Here’s a excerpt from their goodbye:

I can’t believe this time is here. After 8 years, we will be driving away from Habersham for the last time as residents on Friday. I wish I could stop each one of personally, hug your neck, thank you, and tell you goodbye but I also know that our time here is short and jam packed with the logistics of moving our family. I knew coming here for the first time and looking at houses, I did not want to live anywhere else and by God’s Grace, we found a home and began to plant our roots. Our third time stationed back in Beaufort would prove to be the most special and so much of that is because of (our Habersham neighbors).”

“For years we have missed having family close by to share our lives with. But during these past 8 years, this place and the people here have filled so much of that void. Y’all have loved us, seen us through two deployments this tour, made us meals, employed my children, come to dance recitals, baseball games, and plays, made house calls for sick children, had us over, you have invited us on your porch, brought us mail, chit chatted outside, and made sure we were ok. Thank you. Thank you for the past 8 years that will be some of the greatest memories of my children’s childhood.

Patrick & Amy F.
Former Habersham Residents